
Community Working Together

Drug-Free Delaware

Drug Free Delaware is a coalition of unified individuals and organizations dedicated to preventing underage drinking, the use of illegal drugs, and the misuse of prescription medication.

Percentage of
Delaware County Youth

Reported drinking at some time in their life and had their first drink at 12 years of age or younger

Percentage of
Delaware County Youth

Had at least one drink in their life, increasing to 48% of those ages 17 and older.

Percentage of
Delaware County Youth

Misused prescription medications and reported that it came from a parent. 23% received it from a friend.

Delaware County Ohio

Uniting Our County

We are a community working together to design a drug-free county to prevent underage drinking, the use of illegal drugs, and misuse of prescription medicines. Our partners are unified individuals and organizations from every sector of the community caring about and working together for a safer and healthier Delaware County for everyone. Our vision is that Delaware County youth will grow and thrive in a healthy community designed to be drug-free.

Underage Drinking Coalition



Delaware County Underage Drinking Coalition was formed following a Town Hall Meeting in 2006 that focused on reducing underage drinking in Delaware County. For the first time, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey was administered in county middle and high schools by the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board.


Only a year later we officially became the Drug-Free Delaware Coalition, and By-Laws were created. We continued to formalize policies, procedures, and the creation of acting committees under the Coalition year after year and did so with the support of the federal Drug Free Communities Support Grant.


Today the coalition operates with federal grant funds targeted toward the prevention and education on the devastating effects of opioid and stimulant use. The work done by the coalition is supported through the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board but is a collective effort with community partners.

Dedicated Members


Our team is composed of individual community members and representatives from local prevention groups and coalitions, law enforcement agencies, school districts, behavioral health providers, local universities, professional and support organizations. The coalition coordinator is a Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board employee and works to lead the coalition through the direction of the community partners.